Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Biochar - Terra Preta

From the book "Biochar for Home Gardeners - a Guide to Producing, Charging and Applying Biochar to Dramatically Improve Soil and Plant-Health" by Jeff Fry

Biochar Foodweb

The soil food web is the community of organisms living all or part of their lives in the soil. It describes a complex living system in the soil and how it interacts with the environment, plants, and animals.
Biochar increases water-retention, vastly improves the soil's ability to hold onto nutrients and builds healthy soil biology, also known as the soil food web.
Terra Preta biochar soils of the Amazon are thousands of years old.
Biochar of excellent quality can be made at home with rudimentary equipment

Water retention

The addition of biochar to the soil boosts water-holding capacity thanks to its porous structure and its huge surface area. It doubles water retention in loamy sand soil.

How to make biochar

Pyrolysis: thermochemical decomposition of organic material at elevated temperatures in the absence of oxygen.
The Pit and the Kon-tiki Cone Kiln
The biochar researchers Hans Schmidt and Paul Taylor wanted to show how our ancestors were able to produce large quantities of biochar with apparent ease.
Looking at the observations of Archaeologists who saw biochar deposits in clearly demarcated cone-shaped pits - five feet deep and six and a half feet wide at the top, they began experimenting with smokeless fires in such roughly conical pits.
As soon as a layer of hot coal at the bottom of the pit has been produced, you can gradually – every five to ten minutes or so - add combustible material.
The flames at the top of the fire eat up the oxygen, leaving the deeper layers to outgas and char instead of burning down into ashes as they would with oxygen.
Once the top layer shows a little white ash, it is time to add the next layer while the previous layer continues to burn without oxygen. At the end it has to be quenched with water.A shovel is all you need.

How to crush the biochar

There are several methods of crushing char. My husband uses the shredder and is very happy with it.

Charging biochar

Adding biochar to your compost is likely the best method for inoculating the biochar with microorganisms and fungi as well as saturating it with nutrients so that it is rich and ready to go when you apply it to your soil. It also helps the composting process.
Biochar also reduces odour and shortens the compost's time to maturity thanks to increased moisture retention and increased microbial activity.

Pee Charging

Charging your biochar with pee is an extremely easy and effective option. Plain biochar in wheelbarrows or buckets will do well, and then all you have left to do is add your pee.
The author lets his become totally soaked, even covered and lets it sit for at least a few days to really let the char become saturated before using it.
Alternatively, pee-charged biochar can be added to your compost pile.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018


Years passed by until we could realize our dream - bio construction - adobe huts - natural material - but now we are close to finishing our first two huts.

Our architect for bio-construction sent us three bio-construction workers - that was last year in Mai. (I can't believe that time is flying by so quickly). They were working peacefully and in slow motion, taking advantage a bit too often for their mate break 😏..... only when my husband joined them and did an excellent work, things began to change. Now our good friend and talented construction worker Fabian and his coworker Junior are continuing - and what a good work they do.

However, this blog is about our workshop with the adobe architect Rosario. It was a wonderful experience. The group was adorable, open-minded and absolutely uncomplicated. They all - 20 persons - slept in our community room and had a lot of fun. I take it as a good omen that our first workshop went so smoothly.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Lavalleja, Minas, Ombú-Forest

Camping de los cuervos

We were quite motivated by our friends in Piriapolis to abandon our campo for two days and to join them there. Not only Piriapolis is worth seeing, we also went  to see mystical and really magical places such as the camping "Laguna de los Cuervos". This place is absolutely fascinating. I'm happy that I know the place. It won't be the last time I have been there.


Ombú-Forest, Lavalleja

There are only two Ombú florests in Uruguay — one in Lavalleja and one in Rocha. They reach a height of about 50 feet, and they can live as long as 500 years.

Paraíso Suizo

After visiting Swiss friends in Piriapolis, we passed Paraiso Suizo just at the moment when we went out of gas. We drove through in order to ask for the next gas station, when we met a friendly and cheerful woman who invited us for a coffee. So we could chat about this place and it was just a very nice encounter. Of course, they explained the way to the next gas station in Gregorio Aznárez.


Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Healing herbs, disorders and pain

Explanation in EnglishExplanation in SpanishHealing plants
Sexual drive (reducing), hormonal tonicReduce el deseo sexualVitex (Chaste tree)
Sexual drive (increasing)Excita el deseo sexual.Basil, Ginger, Ginseng
PainkillerAlivia el dolorWillow Bark, Devil's claw
Narcotic agentPérdida de sensaciones; alivio del dolor. Coca, etc
Gastric acid, againstCombate la acidez en el organismoJuniper, Fennel
Allergy, reduces the symptomsReduce los síntomas de la alergia. Stinging nettle,extract butterbur
Infection, fighting infectionCombate la infección en el cuerpo. Garlic, Onions, Sage
Blood clotting, stops blood clottingEvita la coagulación de la sangre. Tumeric, Ginger, Garlic
Epilepsy , medicineControla las convulsiones. Cannabis (Psychoactive drug)
Depression, remedy against depressionReanima y contrarresta la melancolía. St. john's wort, Tumeric, Lemon balm, etc.
Toothaches, relieves the pain of tooth achingAlivia los dolores de muelas. Parsley, Garlic, Cloves, etc.
Vomiting, reduces vomitingReduce los vómitosDill, Ginger, Chamomile, etc.
Hardening of tissue, helps to prevent the hardening of tissueImpide el endurecimiento de los tejidos debido a una inflamación crónicaGarlic Pomegranate, Buckwheat
Cramps, relieves crampsAlivia los calambres.Thyme, Caraway, Lemon Balm, etc.
Inflammation, acts against inflammationReduce las inflamaciones.Aloe Vera, Elderberries, Lavender, Calendula, Yarrow
Bacteria, fungi or parasites, destroying or preventingReduce los microbios.Calendula, Sage, Garlic, etc.
Nerve pain, relieves or reduces nerve painReduce los dolores nerviososSt. John's Wort, Valerian, Rosemary, Lemon Balm
Itching, relieves itchingEvita los picores. Speedwell, Oak, Chamomile, Aloe Vera, etc.
Rheumatism, acts against rheumatismContribuye a aliviar el reumatismo.Arnica, Sage, Yarrow, etc.
Microbes, destroys the development of microbesAyuda a prevenir la degeneración de los tejidos y controla las infecciones.Sage
Sweating, prevents sweatingReduce la transpiración.Clary sage, Sage
Poison, neutralizes poisonNeutraliza los venenos.Basil, Coriander, Dandelion
Virus, kills or suppresses virusesControla los organismos víricos.Thyme, Echinacea
Appetite, stimulates the appetiteEstimula el apetitoArtischoke, Dill, Coriander, Ginger, Ingwer, Enzian, etc.
Contraction of organic tissueContrae, tensa y liga tejidos.Vervain, St. John's wort, Calendula
Bacteria, kills bacteriaCombate las bacterias.Oregano, Ajo, Sage, Yarrow, etc.
ExpectorantCura, alivia y ablanda las flemas.Elecampane, Sage, Coltsfoot, Plantain, Thyme
Cough relievingAlivia la tos.ough sirope from chopped onions, Sage, Thyme and candy suger
Heart, related to the heartDe efecto estimulante sobre el corazón.Hawthorn, Rosemary, etc.
Gas, prevents formation of gases in the gastrointestinal tractExpulsa gas de los intestinos.Aniseed, Fennel, Caraway
Head, remedy for disorders pertaining to the headEstimula y aclara la mente.Angelica, Valerian, Basil, Woodruff, etc.
Scar healingContribuye a la formación de tejidos en una herida.Aloe Vera, Gota Kola, Chamomile
Bile production, increases the bile productionIncrementa la producción de bilis.Yarrow, Common centaury, Artichocke, etc.
Heart tonicTónico para el corazón.Ginseng
Purifying and detoxifying effectPurifica la sangre.Elderberry, Stinging nettle, Dandelion, Vervain, Aloe Vera
Nasal congestion, relievingElimina mucosas nasales.Garlic, Onion, Aloe Vera, Eucalyptus, etc.
Germs, destroys germsDestruye gérmenes.Oregano, Nasturtium
Toxins, removes toxins from the bodyNeutraliza las sustancias tóxicas.Basil, Coriander, Basilikum, Koriander, Dandelion
Odor, destroys odorDestruye el olor.Sage
Digestion, stimulates digestionAyuda la digestión.Wormwood, Beifuss, Marjoram, Yarrow
Urine, agent that increases the amount of urine Incrementa la producción de orina.Birch leaves, Horse tail, Dandelion, etc.
Menstruation, stimulates menstruationPromueve y regula la menstruación.Ginger, Aloe Vera, etc.
Skin, softens and soothes the skinReblandece la piel.Aloe Vera, Lady's mantle, etc.
Spleen tonicTónico del bazo.Stinging nettle, Chicory, Agrimony
Energy, strength and powerIncrementa la adrenalina y las energías.Basil, Ginkgo biloba (Maidenhair), Ginseng, Ginger, Parsley, etc.
Stomach problemsAlivia los trastornos gástricos.Aniseed, Fennel, Fenchel, Caraway
Respiratory tract, expels mucus from the respiratory tractElimina el exceso de mucosa de los bronquios.Coltsfoot, Dandelion, Sage, Ribwort, Thyme, etc.
Fever reducingRefresca y reduce temperaturas elevadas del organismo.Lime tree, Thyme, Willow
Fungus, destroys fungusDestruye las infecciones de hongos.Ginger, Lemon balm, Oregano
Lactation, promotes lactationIncrementa la secreción de leche.Fennel, Aniseed, Vervain
Bleeding, stops bleedingDetiene la hemorragia de una herida.Yarrow
Liver and gallbladder, stimulates the function of the liver and gallbladderEstimula y favorece la función del hígado y de la vesícula biliar.Artischoke, Yarrow, Dandelion, Wormwood
Blood sugar, lowers blood sugarReduces blood sugarSweet leaf, Prickly pear, Cinnamon, Basil, etc.
Blood pressure, lowers blood pressureReduce la tensión.Garlic, Yarrow, Hawthorn, etc.
Insects, eliminates the insectsElimina los insectos.Lemon Balm, Lavender, Pepermint, Rosemary, etc.
Constipation, relieves constipationFavorece la evacuación intestinal.Artischoke, Fennel, Flaxseed, etc.
Nervous excitement, soothes nervous excitementReduce los trastornos nerviosos.St. John's Wort, Basil, Lemon Balm, etc.
Childbirth, facilitates the childbirthFacilita el parto.Valerian roots, Lemon Balm, Peppermint, Bitter orange peel
Health, restores healthRestaura la salud.Ginkgo biloba, Ginseng, Rosemary etc.
Blisters and swellingsDisuelve ampollas e hinchazones.Birch, stinging nettle, garlic, etc.
Blood circulation, stimulates blood circulationReanima, incrementando el torrente sanguíneo.Garlic, Ginkgo, Ginger
Soothing effectCalmaSt. John's Wort, Lemon Balm, Valerian, Lavender
Perspiration, agent that induces perspirationAumenta la transpiración.Lime blossom, Willow, Raspberry, etc.
Strengthening and fortifyingMejora el rendimiento corporal.Kola nut, Nutmeg, Buckthorn, etc.
Uterine tonic Tónico del útero.Lady's mantle, Yarrow
Worms, expels intestinal wormsExpulsa lombrices.Preventive: Thyme tea
Wounds and sores, an agent that helps to heal wounds and sores by external applicationImpide la degeneración de los tejidos y detiene las hemorragias de las heridas.Hemp-agrimony, Arnica

Medical terms for healing herbs

SpanishEnglishExplanation in English
AnafrodisíacoAnaphrodisiacReduces the sexual drive, hormonal tonic
AfrodisíacoAphrodisiacIncreases the sexual drive
AnestésicoAnestheticNarcotic agent
AntiácidoAntacidAgainst gastric acid
AntialérgicoAntiallergicReduces the symptoms of an allergy. 
AntibióticoAntibioticFights infection
Anticoagulante Blood thinnerStops the clotting of blood
AnticonvulsivoAntiepileptic drugs medicines for epilepsy 
AntidepresivoAntidepressantRemedy against depression
AntiodontálgicoAntiodontalgic agentRelieves the pain of toothaches
AntieméticoAntiemeticReduces vomiting
AntiescleróticoAntiscleroticHelps prevent the hardening of tissue.
AntiespasmódicoAntispasmodicRelieves cramps
AntiinflamatorioAnti-inflammatoryActing against inflammation
AntimicrobianoAntimicrobialAgent that destroys or prevents the growth of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi or parasites.
AntineurálgicoAntineuralgicRelieves or reduces nerve pain
AntipruríticoAntipruriticRelieves the sensation of itching
AntirreumáticoAntirheumaticActing against rheumatism
AntisépticoAntisepticDestroys the development of microbes
AntisudoríficoAntiperspirantPrevents sweating
AntivenenosoAntivenenousNeutralizes poison
AntiviralAntiviralKills or suppresses a virus
AperitivoAperitifStimulates the appetite
AstringenteAstringentCauses contraction of organic tissue
BactericidabactericidalKills bacteria
BéquicoCough-relievingCough relieving
CardíacoCardio-Related to the heart
CarminativoCarminativePrevents formation of gas in the gastrointestinal tract
CefálicoCephalicRemedy for disorders pertaining to the head
CicatrizanteScarringHealing scars
ColagogoCholagogicIncreases the bile production
CordialRelated to the heartHeart tonic
DepurativoDepurativePurifying and detoxifying effect
DescongestivoDecongestantRelieves nasal congestion
DesinfectanteAntisepticDestroys germs
DesintoxicanteDetoxifyingRemoves toxins from the body
DesodorantedeodorantDestroys odor
DigestivoDigestiveStimulates digestion
DiuréticoDiureticAgent that increases the amount of urine excreted
EmenagogoEmmenagogueStimulates menstruation
EmolienteEmollientSoftens and soothes the skin
EsplénicoSplenic-Spleen tonic
EstimulanteStimulantAgent that quickens the physiological functions of the body.
EstomacalStomachHelps with stomach problems
ExpectoranteExpectorantExpels mucus from the respiratory tract
FebrífugoFebrifugeReduces fever
FungicidaFungicideDestroys fungus
GalactagogoGalactagoguePromotes lactation
HemostáticoHemostaticStops bleeding
HepáticoHepaticStimulates the function of the liver and gallbladder
HipoglucémicoHypoglycemicLowers blood sugar
HipotensivoHypotensiveLowers blood pressure
InsecticidaInsecticideEliminates the insects
LaxanteLaxativeRelieves constipation
NervinoNervineSoothes nervous excitement
ParturientoMaternityFacilitates the childbirth
ReconstituyenteRestorativeRestores health
ResolventeDissolving agentDissolves blisters and swellings
RubefacienteRubefacientStimulates blood circulation
SedanteSedatingSoothing effect
SudoríficoSudorificAgent that induces perspiration
TónicoTonicA remedy used to strengthen and fortify the body
UterinoUterineUterine tonic
VermífugoVermifugeExpels intestinal worms
VulnerarioVulneraryAn agent that helps to heal wounds and sores by external application

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Super Moon

Kiyú Parador Chico

The Super Moon wasn't extraordinary here, but nevertheless - we went to the beach not only for the Super Moon, but also to watch the beautiful sun set.